Magdeburger Straße 58
01067 Dresden
Phone: +49 (0) 351 4982-175
Phone: +49 351 4982 170
Mobile: +49 173 1897625
Allgemeine Einkaufsbedingungen_2023
General Terms and Conditions of Purchase_2023
Allgemeine Verkaufs- und Lieferbedingungen_2023
General Terms and Conditions of Sales and Delivery_2023
End of Waste Certificate EU-VO Nr. 333/2011_German
End of Waste Certificate EU-VO Nr. 333/2011_English
ESN Certificate_German
ESN Certificate_English
QM Certificate ISO 9001:2015_German
QM Certificate ISO 9001:2015_English
Certificate DIN EN ISO 45001:2023_Deutsch
Certificate DIN EN ISO 45001:2023_English
Certificate DIN EN ISO 14001:2015_German
Certificate DIN EN ISO 14001:2015_German