Neueröffnung in Houston, USA – ELG Metals bezieht Platz mit direktem Zugang zu Tiefwasserhäfen

Neueröffnung in Houston, USA – ELG Metals bezieht Platz mit direktem Zugang zu Tiefwasserhäfen


After a successful relocation in St. Petersburg, Russia, some weeks ago, ELG is now moving location in Houston, Texas. The new collection and recycling facility is located approximately 5 miles east of downtown Houston in a heavy industrial area. The site is located at the Buffalo Bayou River, which provides access to deep water ports. This enables ELG to ship its recycled products from Houston to customers all over the world. In addition, the new site is larger than the old one, providing space for a growing business.

"The new site gives us the opportunity for rapid growth. We plan to make it one of the most modern production facilities for recycled stainless steel in the U.S.”, explains Andres Montes, Commercial Vice President, Southern Division, at ELG Metals.

“We are using most advanced processing equipment, so we work very efficiently.  At the same time, we exceed industry standards for environmental compliance," Andres Montes adds.

Initially, a minimum of 6,000 tons of stainless steel scrap and superalloys per month will be processed. It is planned to gradually increase this volume year by year.

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